5a. Ernst Christian Engellenner (1855–1926)

Ernst Christian is born on 3rd February 1855 in Bredstedt. We know nothing about his early life, but he emerges in some files in the year 1878. There, he is accused of not showing up for military service or of illegal emigration. In fact, the 4th March 1877 he arrives in Melbourne, Australia on the ship „Grandee“, coming from New York. Three years later he marries Adelaide Hulm. In 1897 he is naturalized in Warragul, West Gippsland, and works as a labourer. After his wife dies, he marries again in 1903, his wife is now Charlotte McDougall. Ernst Christian, now called Ernest Christian, dies 28th February 1926.

All persons carrying the surname Engellenner in Australia are descendants of Ernst Christian Engellenner.